Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the total cost of the redevelopment project?

A: $86 million

Q: How will the project be funded?

A: The project is funded primarily by private investment. The City has committed to providing up to $18.2 million in tax increment financing. The City has also applied for $18 million in Iowa Reinvestment District Tax Financing.

Q: What is the estimated completion schedule?

A: The project will take 5-7 years to be fully built out.

Q: Where are the current tenants in the mall going to go?

A: Some tenants have found opportunity to move downtown Fort Dodge, and some tenants will occupy new space in Corridor Plaza.

Q: What types of tenants are going to be in the new development?

A: Retail and Restaurant primarily. Also the pavilion and plaza for entertainment.

Q: Are there still going to be places to shop at?

A: Yes! Retail will be a main focus of the project.

Q: What will the pavilion and plaza be used for?

A: Farmers markets, large scale meetings, weddings, craft fairs, concerts, etc.

Q: Will the pavilion/plaza be able to be used during the winter/cold months?

A: Yes. The pavilion and plaza area could be used in the winter for an ice skating rink, weddings, large meetings, farmers market, craft fairs, concerts, etc.

Q: What is the goal of the project? 

A: Be a catalyst for change in Fort Dodge. Bring back the regional hub draw that Fort Dodge has traditionally had.